Understanding the End from the Beginning - The body of the Church is being Restored, Rebuilt and Revived follows the prophetic vision of the Zion that resembles the glorious bride of Christ.
The Promise​ - The promise of this glorious hope that redeems from the pit was sown into the story of the nation of Israel.​
777 Year Divisions​ - The stages of the divine plan of salvation: The Fall of Man, The Flood, The Call of Abraham, The Exodus, The Failing Kingdom, Jesus and The Great Commission.​
Unravelling the Knots of Time​ - Resolving the scriptural conundrums to reveal the divine plan starting with when Jesus was born.
The Cornerstone - Jesus conception was announced by stars and his birth by planets. His ministry began in 29 AD.​
The Truth - Establishing consensus between conventional history and biblical historical events​, and finding the proper alignment.
The Way -​ God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature has been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, The Way is revealed in words, numbers and imagery through the Word.
The Word Giving Life​ - The Word comes to us through the Promise, it becomes something of substance, an actual person, or 'The Word became flesh' in the person of Jesus. His life in our lives.
New Life Welling up to Eternal Life​ - With the advent of Cyrus, God announces 'a new thing'. The Word ingrained in the festivals of Israel revealed the New Covenant, is about to sprout. A new festival of Purim, paved the way for a period of freedom and peace, foreshadows that the Eternal Life that Jesus brings.
No Other King Than Jesus - In an overview of the millennium until Jesus came. The unified kingdom of king David broke apart, kings proved that they were unable to lead the people and keep them sinning. As foretold, Jerusalem came under siege and and some were exiled to Babylon. However hope was offered by the prophets who spoke of a time when the Lord Jesus would reign over the Kingdom of God forevermore, and over not just Israel, but over everyone who puts there faith in Jesus.​ After Daniel's 70 sevens Jesus is the sacrifice that provides the endpoint of sin.
Prophets​ - Alongside the kings of Judah and Israel God raised up prophets. These were people who would hear and see directly from God and pass on what God had to say and showing in any given situation. Sometimes it was an encouragement, at other times, an admonishment. Where the kings led the way, the people would follow. Through the ups and downs God used the prophets to paint a picture of ultimate salvation.
A Broken Kingdom - The united kingdom with worship at the temple, could not be sustained. Sin even corrupts king David, and a crack appears to split the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. God warned that continued disobedience would lead to exile.
Who Will You Serve? - They were caught in a downward spiral of sin, worshiping the gods of the nations they had driven out. God intervenes to bring an important question - who will you serve?
Fame, Pride, Fall and Hope - It would be the Assyrians who would be God's agent who would 'sow' Israel into the other nations. In the process, God was also sowing seeds of hope, following the promise first made to Abraham - the whole earth would produce sons of God in the New Covenant to glorify the Lord.
Exile - The predicted destruction of Jerusalem and the temple when the Babylonians carry the remnant into exile.​ This would last for 70 years as God masterfully causes empires to fall and rise. The year 522 BC is identified as a year of change.
The Return From Exile​ - Much hinges on how we interpret dates and events around 522 BC. It was a crossroads then and ​is a theological crossroads now. It starts with when did Ezra live? To be fair the time of the Persians has been a puzzle to biblical scholars because of the titles they were given - Darius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes etc owned by more than one king. It is where one decision can lead you down an entirely different biblical path. A divine puzzle seems to have had been set up, that draws us in to the special time when the through them Persian empire there would be a light for the gentiles.
Cyrus​ - Understanding how God spoke into the dreams of kings of empires to accomplish what he said. Looking at particularly the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire headed up by God's anointed Cyrus the Great.
Daniel​ - Finding the right interpretation of the dreams, visions and words Daniel recorded, even though he didn't understand them all. How could he when they where in the future to him.​
Daniel​ 9 Seventy Sevens - An exciting new interpretation connect the word going out with the cornerstone markers of Jesus birth and death. The word going out declares freedom from fear and light to the gentiles.
Esther - The book of Esther has all the right elements for our current time - the invitation to a feast, a purified bride and a newly found freedom from an old enemy. Now wonder the phrase 'For a time such as this' comes from this book. The city of Susa, itself resembles the bride of Christ and vision of Zion.
The Return - The book of Daniel is like a key to unlock the book of Revelation. Empires would fall, King David's earthly kingdom would fail too, yet the Promise could not be thwarted. The book of Daniel, sets forth guide of 'sevens' in which Jesus ministry is located. And everything is measured from this Stone set in Zion. He is the Light of the World. Satan would try to deceive the nations and many will believe the lie. Even the Church was deceived during the 'Dark Ages'. But then in 1517 came the doctrine of grace and Christ reigns in heaven and on earth as Satan was locked up in the Abyss. Yet the deceived nations were significantly deluded; an increased polarisation between good and evil is happening. The 'sevens' mark all these times. Yet we will not know when the Harvest will eventually come. In the meantime Zion is being established, David's tent stretched throughout the earth.