The pattern of 777 year divisions of biblical history between Man and God
Incredibly, history (‘His-story’) has been mapped out into periods of time, each one lasting 777 years. This is no arbitrary number, but has meaning that delves deep into the main themes of the bible. The 777-year divisions are marked out by specific events which help us understand what is important to God and therefore what we should take heed of. God marks out Mans' time in relation to the story of salvation through Jesus Christ.
We can only ascertain what has gone before and marvel at God's perfect plan and nowhere is it more special than in the life,death and resurrection of Jesus. So that is where we will start. From here the 777-year divisions are measured and meshed together with other important markers in time given in the bible and we can extrapolate the 777-year divisions to what has happened in the last 2000 years in the Church. A helpful analogy for this would be how a surveyor works measuring the landscape using important markers - this is exactly what is seen in Zechariah 2 where a man is seen scoping out a new Jerusalem.
Like the surveyor, we have our measuring line - it is in units of 7 years (e.g. Jacob's periods of 7 years working for Laban, Joseph's periods of 7 years of abundance and famine, and of course Daniel's 70 sevens). We also have half units of 3½ years ('times, time and half a time' and the length of Jesus ministry) or simply a number of years (e.g. 400, 430, 300, 480, 490, 390, 40, 70 years) that can be marked off. We shouldn't be surprised if an event doesn't sit nicely after 7 year or 3½ year units have been measured (e.g. Jacob arrived in Egypt with 5 of the 7 years of famine still to come, Genesis 45:11), but we should expect to establish the most important markers. This can be imagined to be like an architect drawing out the four corners of a house, but then extending further out to draw the roof or inwards for the thickness of the walls.
Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:19-22
Starting from Jesus our Cornerstone, and fixed point of reference, we will look firstly back in time and establish the 777-year markers. We will observe the features of the biblical landscape in which the foundation is built. Upon this foundation is the building of the Kingdom of God.
While we are here it is best to add that the building is not fully complete; there are more people to be added. There are somethings about the end we do not know.
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 24:36
The title of this site (Divisions of His-story) has more than one meaning. It shows that there have been divisions not only in time, but also between Man & God, and Man & Man in the Kingdom of God (including when Jesus would return). Despite the divisions, God's purposes proceed and new shoots grow as we seek to get closer the truth and approach the time when the whole world will see Jesus return.
This site has drawn from various sources, so there is always going to be a some differing opinions - we are only human after all. But God pulls it all together to demonstrate his plan of salvation and reconciliation to God.
The idea behind this site is not to replicate what others have done, but to acknowledge what is true and put those pieces together in as simplest way as possible for the reader to comprehend. And so the word 'division' has the meaning - to penetrate the truth.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
You will hopefully find new insight here. For instance, as far as I know, no one has identified these 777-year divisions (though a number of people have come up with the date of the creation of Adam in 3959 BC).
Below you can see the pattern that the 777-year divisions make. The pattern in the upper part is symmetrical about Abram (named later Abraham),

Noah's Ark mirrors Moses' 'Ark' (the reed boat he was sent down the Nile in as a baby). Both representing a rescue; for the individual and a nation (when led by Moses out of Egypt), and the hope of new life (see The Promise page).
Lamech mirrors Uzziah illustrating the problem of sin and it's consequences across the ages (the red double arrows); Lamech on the level of an individual and Uzziah as the king over a nation. Both bring out the crux of the problem. Lamech seeks solace from the hard pressed situation that pervades the world and sees some comfort coming through his son Noah - a new beginning (with the Promise to Abraham around the corner). Uzziah - Man's rule is not the answer, often slipping into pride and hardness of heart - only by God's Spirit can we be saved and by a Divine Man, King Jesus.
The Fall mirrored by Jesus - Jesus is the answer to Man's fallen state. At the centre is the Promise given to Abraham.
From then on the Kingdom of God grows. It should be noted that the pattern divisions start from the Fall (3857 BC) and not from the first 'Day' of creation (Man was created on 'Day' 6) and so we won't venture in the massive topic of Christianity and Evolution. We can happily put aside the debate over the age of the earth; whether to take the 'Days of Creation' literally or seeing each 'Day' as an epoch or era. Instead these 777 year divisions mark the moment the rescue plan came into effect - from the time of the Fall onward 'The Way' of salvation (John 14:6) would be revealed.
Dividing biblical history has a precedent in Matthew 1 at the start of the New Testament.
Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.
Matthew 1:17
The timeline of biblical history in 777 year divisions
If like me you like to see from a bigger perspective, the timeline below covers the bible from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation.. This is what is covered in this site.
A more simplified view below shows the distances marked out from the start of Jesus ministry in 29 AD against the recognised phases of biblical history. We need to shine our light to see that some of these markers are put down correctly.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105

If you are ever lost we need to look to Jesus.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
This verse helps us lead us onto the building principles that need to be considered according to the plan (and the purpose of this building work - to bring us back in a right relationship with God).
THE WAY - There are signs which if we are willing to see will lead us to Jesus and the Father (Mark 4:12)
Coincidence, patterns and numbers, may be saying something to you from the creator and in his creation - but this must be measured against the revealed Word and have the correct significance, These are the correct proportions of the building and the 'yardstick' to use.
THE TRUTH - Seeing where adjustment is needed to align ourselves to the Truth revealed in the Word (Proverbs 2, Isaiah 28:16-17, John 8:32)
The right spot to build, ensuring the lines are true and right. That we may see the truth and come to live by it; sweeping away the lie.
THE LIFE - Understanding and applying the Word so that we have life in Jesus (Matthew 16:18)
What does the architecture actually mean to us. How we are restored, rebuilt, re-purposed, A place of habitation and life.
There is an anecdote that helps to us see the principles at work. It goes that after the Great Fire of London, the old St Pauls was burned to the ground. Chief architect, Sir Christopher Wren was put in charge of the rebuilding. He found the spot where the centre should be and he called to a workman to fetch a stone to mark this spot. The stone was a tombstone on which was written the Latin word 'Resurgam' meaning 'I will rise again'.